Huwebes, Hunyo 9, 2011

Windows Se7en World of Warcraft Visual Style by TheBull

I present to you, World of Warcraft (for x32 and x64 Systems).
Designed and created by TheBull

Screen shots:


Theme Installer
Various wallpapers
Sound Scheme
Explorerframe images (Make sure you have the Theme Resource Changer installed!)
Rocketdock skin by philipyeldhos The Guardians -
WoW cursorpack. Pre-intalled, by yingjunjiu World of WarCraft cur by `yingjunjiu on deviantART
Shell32 Images
Theme Resource Changer
UniversalThemePatcher for 32&64 bit systems
TaskDock_by_Solo_Dev (Please use this to center your icons on your taskbar.)
Explorer Window image instructions (Use this, and follow instructions included on how to enable the WoW image in your explorer windows.)

Logon screen by YourNumr1Fan.

Use the Theme Installer to install the Visual Style. It is a self installing program so you don't have to copy and paste your files to the right directory.

I would like to the give credits creator of this Visual Style, my good friend, TheBull! 
I know you will be proud that I am sharing your creations. Thanks Pierre! 

World of Warcraft ©2004-2008 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved.

All images and World of Warcraft related content are protected by copyright law and are registered by Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.
Hope you enjoy using this Visual Style!

Leechers get ready!! Hahahah

Download Here


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